Marketing- communicating the value of a product to consumers. It can also be done through artwork.
Apple creates products not only for he liking of their consumers but for the liking of their own. They have many consumers who purchase each of their products when they are released. Along with having loyal consumers they have their critics. Their critics have said that many of their products would fail but of course have not. Apple reaches out to its consumers, its company and no one else. When Apple is in the process of releasing their newly made products, they are sure to demonstrate what the product will do, but in the language of the consumer. They will grasp their attention with using words to keep them interested. The attention of their consumers is grasped quickly when describing all of their products.
Not only does Apple want to be a leader in the technology era, it wants to be the only technology that is used. They go several steps ahead in making sure their products are the best ones. When saying you have a smartphone, is it really a smartphone or an iPhone? An iPhone is a smartphone but no one calls it a smartphone. Apple wants each of its products to have their own name and to not be like their competitors, or other companies.
Apple first started their advertising in 1984 during Superbowl XVIII. It began with a woman running with a Macintosh computer to throw a sledgehammer at what seemed to be a presentation on IBM. As time went on with and their products began to become more popular, Apple began to place their ads in Newsweek and Time magazines. With their iPod product on the market, the made a commercial with dark silhouetted people listening to the music on their iPods dancing. When that commercial appeared everyone always wanted to dance when their iPod was plugged into their ears. When advertising their iPhone on TV, the phone is usually brought in or looked at by the corner. It is slowly zoomed out so you can see the full phone, shows a person using the phone with ease and enjoying their new Apple product.
Apples advertisement is what drives their consumers to continue buying their products, but also gives the company new consumers.