Monday, September 3, 2012

Behind the famous Apple products is its founder Steve Jobs. Steve founded Apple in 1976. It started out to just create a computer for people but it went on to become something greater. In 1976 Steve Jobs and his companion Steve Wozniak designed the Apple I. In the following year Jobs and Wozniak refined their first design and created the Apple II. The Apple II was the first personal computer to have a keyboard and color graphics as well. Within two years of the personal computer being out sales skyrocketed to $200 million. In 1984 jobs introduced yet another computer to the word, the Apple Macintosh. Of course the price of the Macintosh was quite pricey for the market. He then stated that the Macintosh would be a business computer. The Macintosh had no memory or hard drive so it could not be used as a business computer. Jobs was faced with serious trouble. In 1985 Jobs sold his Apple stock shares and resigned from his company.
In 1997 Steve was back in Apple to help his company become healthy in sales. In 2001, Steve came out with the first iPod. As time went on he began to introduce more products to the world such as iTunes, iPhone and the iPad. With all the products Steve has released, Apple has made billions of dollars thanks to its founder.

Apples mission is to satisfy the needs of their costumers by innovating their products.

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