Saturday, September 29, 2012

Developing a Global Vision

Global Vision- recognizing and reacting to international marketing opportunities, using effective global marketing strategies, and being aware of threats from foreign competitors in all markets.

Global Marketing- marketing that targets markets throughout the world.

With all the products that Apple has released throughout the years, global vision and global marketing is within the companies strategy. Since the recent release of the iPhone 5 on September 21, 2012, Apple released the phone in nine other countries. Throughout the first weekend, Apple sold 5 million iPhones. Consumers waited on lines for hours, even days. They were eager to get their hands on Apples newest product. China will be able to begin selling their iPhone 5 in October.
China will be able to sell the iPhone 5 in October, earlier than expected, due to low sales here in the U.S. Apple analyst expected the iPhone to sell over 8 million units. Being that only 5 million units were sold here in the U.S, China will be able to sell the iPhone in October. IPhone is expected to do very well in other countries as to how it did in the U.S.

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